
Hexham General Hospital

Ward Name / Number

Ward 3

Direct dial telephone number

01434 655475

Location of ward


From the main entrance, walk through the atrium and up the stairs. There is a lift behind the stair case. Ward 3 is on the first floor, follow the signs.

Type of ward

Surgery (incorporating general surgery, orthopaedics and gynaecology)

What patients may need to know about the daily routine on the ward


Ward 3 is a busy elective surgical ward. The routine is largely centred around preparing patients for theatre and receiving them back after their operation. We also have patients coming back from WGH and NTGH for rehabilitation.

The nurse practitioners will review all patients every morning and make decisions regarding their progress and future plans.

Consultants from Wansbeck and North Tyneside general hospitals will be on site within normal working hours. They will visit the ward daily and will review any patients that need to be seen.

Are children welcome?

Yes. They must always be supervised.

Is there flexibility in visiting?

Yes. For more information on visiting, visit this page.

Are the numbers restricted?

We ask that there are no more than 2 visitors at a time. These visitors can change.

Protected meal times

12noon-2pm and 5pm-6pm. Family, friends and carers are welcome to visit at mealtimes if your loved one needs help or encouragement with eating and drinking.

Time of consultant rounds

Variable, no set ward rounds.

Ward Manager’s name

Denise Armstrong

When is the best time for relatives to contact the ward to check on patient?

Late morning onwards.