Publish date: 12 October 2020

Tanzania partnership showcased at international conference

A screenshot of a man and a woman on a zoom call with each other.

Last week saw the Tropical Health Education Trust (THET) host their largest and most international conference to date, ‘Health for all: a decade to deliver’, bringing together over 450 delegates from around the world to explore the challenges of the decade to come. The virtual conference brought together voices from across the health, development and governmental communities including our very own Professor Richard Walker, Consultant Physician and clinical lead for our international health link with Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre in Tanzania.

Professor Walker, joined Dr Sara Urassa, director of hospital services at KCMC – and long-time friend and colleague in our partnership with the hospital – to deliver the conference key note speech on Tuesday 6th October. They shared with delegates the history of our partnership and the different ways we’ve collaborated on projects to improve healthcare in Tanzania for over 20 years, as well the many challenges we’ve overcome and achievements we’ve made.

For details of the conference and to request presentations, go to:

Congratulations Prof Walker and Dr Urassa!