Get a head start in your future career.

At Northumbria Healthcare, we offer a wide range of placements and internship opportunities for university students.

It is an invaluable experience that will enhance your skills and increase your employability, ready for graduating.

You will put yourself ahead of the competition and earn a competitive salary at Northumbria Healthcare.

We have paid, fixed-term contracts in:
•    Finance
•    Digital
•    Human Resources (HR)
•    Marketing and communications
•    Information services
•    Procurement

Our placement and internship opportunities will be advertised on your university careers portal when recruitment is open. These roles will be released across the year, depending on service demand.

Undergraduate student case studies

Headshot of Jessica WrighJessica Wright, undergraduate placement year student (Sunderland University), Human Resources

I would recommend Northumbria healthcare for completing a sandwich year to anyone due to the vast amount of support from my peers. I have learnt new skills and experiences that I cannot learn in a classroom.



Preparing for the placement:

I have had many opportunities to find placements through graduate and placement fairs, however, I found my placement with Northumbria Healthcare through my university’s coordinator.

To prepare for my application, I ensured my CV was up to date and wrote about my knowledge and experiences in my application, and my lecturers agreed to my references.

Northumbria Healthcare use value-based interview questions. To prepare I found out all about Northumbria’s values which are: Respect; Everyone's Contribution Counts; Responsibility and Accountability; Patients First; Safe and High-Quality Care.

The job role:

In the past two months, I have been with the HR records team. My daily tasks include answering general queries from staff members, changing job forms and job descriptions, processing internal staff and flexi retirement.

I am also involved in new projects that are being rolled out within the organisation. I receive a lot of support from the trust and my team, including allocated time to complete my university assignments, which helps a lot with balancing my placement work and university work.

My team are very supportive with my learning, allowing me to shadow them completing day-to-day tasks but also attending events, which has enhanced my understanding of the organisation.

While I am on my placement, I currently have a monthly workshop for an hour and a 2-hour lecture, both are conducted virtually. I am also completing a 2000-word assignment on professional practice which is a projected based, as well as a reflective story board.

One of the main benefits of my placement is putting my university work into practice. It has given me a lot of knowledge and experience that university cannot facilitate.

I have been able to complete tools and training to development my practice, such as Insights training. Completing Insights has allowed me to find out my own personality which I can use in my self-development assignment.